Sausage Pepper Rigatoni combines the ingredients of the classic sandwich with rigatoni pasta. This easy to make pasta dish is flavorful and…
The ultimate comfort food, pasta is a great base for salads, lasagna, soups, dinners and side dishes. Try some of the quick fix and one pot pasta recipes for a busy weeknight meal. Make a lasagna or stuffed shell recipe ahead of time for easy entertaining. Budget friendly and delicious, pasta is always a good choice!
Ricotta Stuffed Shells are an easy to make, baked pasta dish. They have basically the same ingredients and flavor as a cheese…
One Pot Asparagus Gnocchi is a hearty, vegetarian meal that is perfect for a busy weeknight. It is all done in one…
Mushroom Gemelli is a simple pasta dish which is easy enough for a weeknight dinner and perfect for Meatless Monday. You can…
Lentil Bolognese is a vegetarian sauce that is so hearty you will never miss the meat! Layered with flavor from mushrooms, carrots,…
Chili Mac Cheese is a great combination of two favorite comfort foods. Ground beef chili is made with tomatoes, beans and all…
Tomato Broccoli One Pot Pasta is a great Meatless Monday meal. This simple recipe with a cooking time of under 15 minutes…
Mushroom Cacio e Pepe is twist on the classic pasta dish. Mushrooms are cooked with garlic, crushed red pepper and salt then…
Baked Butternut Pasta is a wonderful way to celebrate this time of year. This easy pasta dish with a creamy butternut squash…
There’s something incredibly comforting about a warm, hearty pasta dish, especially when it’s bursting with flavors. Roasted Eggplant Ziti is just that.…