Shrimp Tomato Wine Sauce is a great recipe to have in your line up. It only requires a few ingredients and you…
The ultimate comfort food, pasta is a great base for salads, lasagna, soups, dinners and side dishes. Try some of the quick fix and one pot pasta recipes for a busy weeknight meal. Make a lasagna or stuffed shell recipe ahead of time for easy entertaining. Budget friendly and delicious, pasta is always a good choice!
Sicilian Chicken is one of those meals that goes together fast enough that you could make it on a busy weeknight for…
Vegetable Lasagna is one of those recipes that once you try it, you will make it over and over again. It is…
Penne with Vodka Sauce is one of my oldest recipes and one that I make often. I just love the simplicity of…
Creamy Mushroom Sausage Rigatoni is a simple yet flavorful pasta dish that can be prepared in just 20 minutes. This pure comfort…